Welcome to Peggie Bouvier – Fine Artist

Paper Bags, Oil Painting by Peggie Bouvier

About Peggie Bouvier

As a realist painter in the 21st century I feel it is my job to do more than represent what I see. My paintings are about how I feel about what I see, my relationship to the objects or places I paint, and about the physical qualities of the paint itself. The objects I paint are utilitarian; the places are familiar. I hope to engage the viewer in looking more deeply at what we can see every day, but rarely explore.

My work is representational in that I work from life. Often, the mark-making is abstract, as are the forms. I enjoy the dichotomy and that I live at the intersection of abstraction and representation, through paint handling, form and shape.

I began painting with a knife to eliminate an element of literalness. Knife painting allows a different relationship with the paint, a texture and physicality I respond to. I love that I can move it, or work wet into wet. My work is as much about the paint as any object or place.